Thursday, May 6, 2010

artist statement for book project

Objects of light
My project is an accordion style book that is made from pink cardstock. To add some design to the cardstock I traced circles with a marker from a roll of scotch tape. The book contains pages that are cut out and replaced with wax paper that have images of objects that give off light. The images are of light producers that are made by man from earliest light makers (fire, torch, candle) to more modern techniques (ceiling fan, lamps, energy saving light bulb). Light is very essential to how we live our lives, it is one of the first innovations of man that is used by millions every day. Books are also an essential part o four lives. Though not made by primitive man, books have evolved mankind into what we are today.
I originally wanted to have the book illuminated by hooking actual lights to it and setting up the book so that it would have a lamp quality to it. In the process of making the book I decided that I would like the project to be suspended in front of a window so that the natural light would glow through the images on the wax paper. I liked this idea better because I think that it is peculiar that though the images are of things that give off light via fire, electricity, or battery, the reason why they are illuminated is something that is neither. In fact, the light is completely natural and not man made like the images. Another reason why I decided to have the book suspended was just because visually I just preferred it that way, it is rare to see books in this form, but it can be easily taken down and put back into a book shape, and read like an everyday book.

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