Thursday, February 25, 2010

Robert Hughes assignment

Jeff Koons

1. Jeff Koons utilizes his material in an srt historical context in the fact that he is part of a certain style which is kitsch/ conceptual art. Were ever kitsch is heard Jeff Koons should be mentioned.

2. I am going to use Jeff Koons piece Michael Jackson and Bubbles because I think that the materials used definately create a meaning. He used ceramic and gold paint to create this piece. When you see a picture of it, it resembles a small figurine but it is actually very large. small figurines are popular in our culture not popular by any means that relate to being classy but more of a trailer park popularity. very kitschy.

3. Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

4. The fact that his art is displayed in a fine art museum makes people upset because they don't define Koons to be an artist. People have very split views on Koons while some people think that he is a fine artist and has importance to art history others dismiss his art all together.

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